TAssalamualaikum.... girls.... harinikan kte de oral presentation. Wah nervous cgt... memang yer kalau kita nervous tiba-tiba kita rasa sejuk and nak pergi toilet padahal kita xbuat apa-apa pun.. tu memang reality... ada 20 soalan and kita memang tak target dap tajuk money so tak terpikir nak bincang. Nak dijadikan cerita bila dapat tajuk ni, kita pun mulalah masuk alam fairy tale kita.. alahai ustazah, tak matangnya.. sedih jugak sebab sebenarnya dia nak tengok kematangan kita.. ayoyo tawakal je pada Allah moga-moga dapt cemerlang. Sebab semuanya kembali pada ALLAH... kadang2 kita buat bagus tapi kalu Allah nak uji, Allah akan bagi kurang baik and samalah kalau sebaliknya.
MONEY... life is not like a bad of roses that why I always imagine that I have a lot of money. I like to built castle in the air that someday I will marry prince charming.( time tu panel pun gelak). If I have a lot of money I can buy new cloth, new shoes and anything I want. But the important thing I want to do is sent my parent to Makah. Beside that (ala lupe nk ckp) I want to help my sibling education. I want to send my sibling to further studies in overseas. Yes, I cant go there so I hope one of my sibling will do that. If i have a lot of money i can help poor person. Outside, there are many poor people that need our help. I can give and donate money to needed. (berhenti kejap ingt dah habis masa then sambung balik.) money is very important for me. We can help many people with it. Maybe we can help in built mosque. That kind is very good. Some people will said, "Are you greedy?" not... for me money is very important. That all thank you... ai cik kak banyaknye merapu.. macam mana nie... doa jelah yer... ingat 3 minit sekejap rupanya bila cakap banyak lagi masa.. ayoyo... to all people outside believe your self and please be matured... don't be like me....
But use money with wisely... tada....